Uyen Nguyen

Sales Executive

My name is Uyen Nguyen. I was born in Haiphong, the dynamic port city lying 100 km to the east of Hanoi, and also the gateway to Ha Long Bay and Cat Ba Island. I graduated from Hanoi University, majoring in Hispanic Language and Culture. I have a passion for traveling and I love planning my own trip myself following my own interest. I’m willing to help others visitors to make their own dream trips to my charming country and make them feel at home.

uyennguyen's Photos

  • Celeste in La Latina, Madrid
    View all 18 photos
  • Enjoying the landscape of Bai Tu Long Bay
  • House of Pao, Ha Giang province
  • Jumping Rock Beach, Dong Hoi province
  • Phung Hung fresco street in the atmosphere of Tet

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